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姓名 |
莊路德 |
職稱 |
教授 |
電話 傳真電話 |
03-5381183 # 2310 (+886) 3-610-2312 |
辦公室位置 |
H502 |
信箱 |
ltchuang@mail.ypu.edu.tw |
學 歷 ╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴
經 歷 ╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴
元培醫事科技大學健康學院 院長 (2021-迄今)
元培醫事科技大學生物科技暨製藥技術系 系主任 (2013-迄今)
元培醫事科技大學生物科技暨製藥技術系 教授 (2016-迄今)
元培醫事科技大學生物科技暨製藥技術系副教授 (2012-2016)
元培科技大學生物技術系助理教授 (2006-2012)
益生生技開發股份有限公司資深研究員暨研發產程主管 (2005-2006)
Consultant, Strategic Research & Development, Abbott Laboratories-Ross Products Division, Columbus, OH, US (1999-2004)
研究領域 ╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴
l 高價值多元不飽和脂肪酸抗發炎、抗癌…等保健功效的研究 (包括功效評估、活性成分的鑑定及作用機制的探討)
l 特殊多元不飽和脂肪酸代謝與生物活性的研究
l 靈芝免疫蛋白特性的研究
l 利用遺傳工程技術改造酵母菌來製造高價值的多元不飽和脂肪酸 (polyunsaturated fatty acid; PUFA)
l 特殊油脂 (modified lipids) 在保健食品上的研發
l 各式脂肪酸組成的分析與定量
l Lipid extraction, purification, and analysis
l Chemical fatty acid synthesis
l Chromatographic techniques like thin layer chromatography (TLC), gas liquid chromatography (GLC) and high-pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC)
l All standard protein manipulation protocols, (e.g., denaturing and non-denaturing PAGE, western blotting, biochemical assay etc.)
l Detection of various kinds of biochemical mediators, including eicosanoids, cytokines and transcriptional factors
l Molecular biology techniques: including DNA and RNA extraction and purification, agarose gel electrophoreses, and Southern and Northern hybridization protocols.
l Microbiology and cell culture techniques
期刊論文 ╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴╴
l 利用「葡聚醣硫酸鈉誘導腸炎模型」探討熟米麴活性成份抑制發炎反應的功效與機制-2 (113-2320-B-264-001-),行政院國科會 (2024/08–2025/07;主持人)
l 利用「葡聚醣硫酸鈉誘導腸炎模型」探討熟米麴活性成份抑制發炎反應的功效與機制 (112-2320-B-264-001-),行政院國科會 (2023/08–2024/07;主持人)
l 探討頭頸癌治療抗性相關代謝因子及其應用於臨床前轉譯治療模式之潛力 (110-2314-B-A49A-516-MY3),行政院科技部 (2021/08–2024/07;共同主持人)
l 探討熟米麴抑制發炎反應的功效與機制:以「葡聚醣硫酸鈉誘導腸炎」為模型,輔以「酸性鞘磷脂酶-膜脂質組成」檢測模式 (110-2320-B-264-001-),行政院科技部 (2021/08–2022/07;主持人)
l 研究葫蘆烷TCD抑制酸性鞘磷脂酶介入發炎性腸道疾病的功效與機制 (108-2320-C-264-001-MY2),行政院科技部 (2019/08–2021/07;主持人)
l 研究山苦瓜葉三萜類化合物的抗發炎活性 (107-2813-C-264-001-B),行政院科技部補助大專學生研究計畫 (2018/07–2019/02;指導教授)
l Chuang, L.-T., Huang, Y.-T., and Tsai, P.-J. (2024) Evaluation of protective effects of wild bitter melon fruit and leaf extracts on UVB2 irradiated human HaCaT keratinocytes. Nutr. Sci. J. (In press)
l Huang, P.-C., Chang, C.-W., Lin, Y.-C., Chen, C.-Y., Chen, T.-Y., Chuang, L.-T., Liu, C.-J., Huang, C.-L., and Li, W.-C. (2023) Pyruvate kinase differentially alters metabolic signatures during head and neck carcinogenesis. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 24: 16639. (SCI Paper)
l Lin, C.-C., Lin, H.-H., Chang, H., Chuang, L.-T., Hsieh, C.-Y., Lu, S.-H., Hung, C.-F., Chang, J.-F. (2022) Prophylactic effects of purple shoot green tea on cytokine immunomodulation through scavenging free radicals and NO in LPS-stimulated macrophages. Curr. Issues Mol. Biol. 44: 3980-4000. (SCI Paper)
l Tsai, T.-H., Chang, C.-I., Huang, W.-C., Hung, Y.-L., Chang, H., Kuo, Y.-H., Chyuan, J.-H., Chuang, L.-T. *, and Tsai, P.-J. (2021) Anti-inflammatory effect of charantadiol A, isolated from wild bitter melon leaf, on heat-inactivated Porphyromonas gingivalis-stimulated THP-1 monocytes and a periodontitis mouse model. Molecules 26: 5651. (SCI Paper)
l Chuang, L.-T., Huang, W.-C., Hou, Y.-C., Chyuan, J.-H., Chang, H., Chang, C.-I., Tsai, T.-H., and Tsai, P.-J. (2021) Suppressive effect of two cucurbitane-type triterpenoids from Momordica charantia on Cutibacterium acnes-induced inflammatory responses in human THP-1 monocytic cell and mouse model. Molecules 26: 579. (SCI Paper)
l Chuang, L.-T., Lin, Y.-H., Huang, W.-C., Lin, L.-C., Hsu, C., Chyuan, J.-H., Tsai, T.-H., and Tsai, P.-J. (2020) In vitro and in vivo screening of wild bitter melon leaf for anti-inflammatory activity against Cutibacterium acnes. Molecules 25: 4277. (SCI Paper)
l Chen, S.-J., Huang, W.-C., Shen, H.-J., Chen, R.-Y., Chang, H., Ho, Y.S., Tsai, P.-J., and Chuang, L.-T.* (2020) Investigation of modulatory effect of pinolenic acid (PNA) on inflammatory responses in human THP-1 macrophage-like cell and mouse models. Inflammation 43: 518-531. (SCI Paper)
l Chen, T.-Y., Hsieh, Y.-T., Huang, J.-M., Liu, C.-J., Chuang, L.-T., Huang, P.-C., Kuo, T.-Y., Chia, H.-Y., Chou, C.-Y., Chang, C.-W., Chen, Y.-F., Chen, H.-M., Lo, J.-F., and Li, W.-C. (2019) Determination of pyruvate metabolic fates modulates head and neck tumourigenesis. Neoplasia 21: 641-652. (SCI Paper)
l Chuang, L.-T., Tsai, T.-H., Lien, T.-J., Huang, W.-C., Liu, J.-J., Chang, H., Chang, M.-L., and Tsai, P.-J. (2018) Ethanolic extract of Origanum vulgare suppresses Propionibacterium acnes-induced inflammatory responses in human monocyte and mouse ear edema models. Molecules 23: 1987. (SCI Paper)
l Tsai, P.-J., Huang, W.-C., Lin, S.-W., Chen, S.-N., Shen, H.-J., Chang, H., and Chuang, L.-T.* (2018) Juniperonic acid incorporation into the phospholipids of murine macrophage cells modulates pro-inflammatory mediator production. Inflammation 41: 1200-1214. (SCI Paper)
l 任佳竑 與莊路德 (2023) 研究熟米麴丙酮萃取物的抗發炎活性與細胞內脂質變化之關聯性。 2023健康管理學術研討會,台灣新竹:元培醫事科技大學。 (研討會論文集,2023.11.3,元培醫事科技大學舉行。)
l Hsia, Y.-Y., Hung, W.-W., Chuang, L.-T., Lin, Y.-C., Chen C.-Y., Hung, K.-F., Hsieh, Y.-T., and Li, W.-C. (2023) Exploration of metabolic and molecular regulators in cisplatin resistant oral cancers. The abstract presented on the 49th Annual Meeting of Korean Cancer Association & 9th International Cancer Conference, June 15-16, 2023, Seoul, Korea.
l 任佳竑 與莊路德 (2022) 熟米麴丙酮萃取物抑制經脂多醣刺激小鼠RAW264.7巨噬細胞產生之發炎反應。 2022健康管理學術研討會,台灣新竹:元培醫事科技大學。 (研討會論文集,2022.11.4,元培醫事科技大學舉行。)
l Chuang, L.-T., and Jen, J.-H. (2022) Cucurbitane TCD inhibits LPS-induced inflammatory responses in human monocytic THP-1 cells. The abstract presented on the 2022 International Student Academic Conference, March 25, 2022, Hsinchu, Taiwan. (Abstract book p.A3-3)
l Chuang, L.-T., and Lin, W.-X. (2022) Inhibitory effect of pinolenic acid and cooked rice koji extracts on inflammation in murine microglial cells. The abstract presented on the 2022 International Student Academic Conference, March 25, 2022, Hsinchu, Taiwan. (Abstract book p.A3-4)
l 林玟秀 與莊路德 (2021) 以小鼠微膠細胞評估松子油酸與熟米麴萃取物抑制神經發炎的功效。 2021健康管理學術研討會,台灣新竹:元培醫事科技大學。 (研討會論文集,2021.11.5,元培醫事科技大學舉行。)
l Liou, J.-T. , and Chuang, L.-T. (2019) The wine cake extract suppresses lipopolysaccharide-induced inflammatory responses in RAW264.7 cells. The abstract presented on the 2019 International Student Academic Conference, March 22, 2019, Hsinchu, Taiwan. (Abstract book p.58)
l Su, Y.-S., Lin, H.-H., Chang, H., Hsieh, W.-H., Chuang, L.-T., Chen, Y.-W., and Lin, C. -C. (2019) Application of purple shoot tea for alleviating human metabolic syndrome. The abstract presented on the Asia-Pacific Tea Expo (APTE) 2019 in Japan, March 3-4, 2019, University of Shizuoka, Shizuoka, Japan.
l 莊路德、楊程堯、洪瑞辰 與洪紹文 (2018) 研究靈芝免疫蛋白抑制關節炎的功效。 2018生命教育暨健康管理國際學術研討會,台灣新竹:元培醫事科技大學。 (研討會論文集,2018.10.18,元培醫事科技大學舉行。)